Monday, September 26, 2011


India sure is incredible with all its flora and fauna. Not just the
beauty but also the culture, the people and the variance of colors
hold a mesmerized point in the view of the people residing in and
outside this precious land. Its beauty is immeasurable, the historical
site transcends us into a wondrous era and its greenery along with the
endangered species is just wonderful.
However, it is the second most populous country in the world but still
it is the biggest democracy on earth. With the onset of globalization,
the growing Indian economy has led to a greater appreciation. Even
during the recent economic crisis, the Indian economy has been sound
and perfect. Every year about 5 million tourist visit this magical
land and these business has provide employment to 42 million people.
Unlike Malaysia and Singapore India also is now allotting a large
amount for innovation of the tourist market and to attract a large
amount of foreign tourist.
Do you love to spend a luminous night with sky filled up with the moon
and uncountable stars or like to walk serene valleys with the
fragrance of varied flowers and watch clouds kissing the hilltops with
its salubrious air and? All these together can b seen and felt in the
suburbs of northern India. People travel miles just to watch the
backwaters of kerela or to feel the warmth of the soft wet sands on
their feet with the sound of the calm waves while they walk in the
seashore. India is also famous for its art and sculptures and the
well-known yogh sadhanas. Foreigners from all over the world visit
India just to have a duke in the holy water of Ganga.
The Indian film industry has also goon global with various foreign
stars appearing in Indian cinemas and the Indian stars appearing in
there movies. Every year about a 1000, films get released, a number
that is overwhelming. Today with the emerging changes, people in and
outside India are standing up for their heritage and identity. India
is now going global with the most exciting market in the world with a
distinct cutting edge in global competition and with the pace it is
growing, it sure would soon be a most successful of all.

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