Every news channel and papers are blasting up with this headlines ‘Gay marriage is legal’. Some are gleefully dancing at the news while some think that it is weird. Not only just happy but many are already getting married. Just a week after a New Delhi court legalized homosexuality, the first gay-marriage took place in India. Amit and Jeeta both 18 from Chandigarh got married following the landmark judgment, which changed a 148 years old British colonial era ruling that made homosexuality a punishable offence.
It is not a fresh and most reviewed topic that there exist people in this world who are in love with the same sex but it is definitely an astounding topic that High court of Delhi have legalized the marriage between same sex in the 3rd of July ’09. For most part of the last 5 years debate over gay-marriage has been heard in the halls of US Congress, at the White House and many other dozens of states. Many talk against it and are truly disappointed at the Court’s decision. They say that it is not what actually happens in the nature. They think that it would surly corrupt our culture and society.
Although it seemed to fade from the public eye for a moment but it have again come to the limelight by making it legal in India. In 1971 Baker V. Nelson and Minnesota, the first same sex marriage case brought in the United State is ruled against plaintiffs Richard John Baker and James Michael Mc Connell. In 1958 the 1st interracial marriage polling was conducted and opposition was greater than it is today. No state has then legalized gay-marriage and many a times people used to boycott such couples from the society. In the Chirang district of Assam there are two girls staying as couple and they were married since 1990 but at that period when they eloped people boycotted them from their village. Its being a few years since when people have accepted them again. Those against it say that they couldn’t imagine how people could allow such a thing to happen. They say that in this era when government is taking lots of procedures to stop Polygyny and relieve the people from AIDS, these matter has really turned everything topsy-turvy. There is no such issue where it is said that they couldn’t maintain polygyny. People are hectic that this would give rise to more STDs and thus create problem.
Homosexuality is the conduct of sodomy with same sex. It is true that perhaps homosexuality does not fall into the traditional definition of marriage but the most important thing in marriage or a relation is love and trust. It is a union of souls that cannot be regulated by some act of congress. Each and everyone have a right to freedom and will. It is there choice to lead their life in the way they want to lead it. Homosexuality is not an offense till there doesn’t occur any such circumstances, which would create problem to people and nature.Thus it is upon us to decide whether it is a boon or a curse to the society.
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