Monday, September 26, 2011


We spent long hours to decorate ourselves in order to look presentable. Be it our hairstyle, dress, make-up or any other accessories. Some people have great taste in shopping while some do not. Every part of our body requires special care and the time we spend in make-up should be cut-off a bit and given to our footwear. Every dress has its own type of footwear, how pathetic it would look if you move about in boots along with a sari.
Items of footwear evolved at first as protection to the human foot and later on as a part of decoration. Appearance and design varies with culture and time. Evidence shows that they were already used in most early civilizations though people mostly went barefooted. Mountains in Mesopotamia around 1600 BC wore the first moccasin-like shoe. And young ladies your favorite Stiletto shoes were found in ancient Egypt, in a tomb dating from 1000 BC.
Shoes are basically dress shoes and casual shoes. Smooth and supple leather upper, leather soles and narrow sleek figure categorize dress shoes. While casual shoes are categorized by sturdy leather upper, non-leather soles and wide profile. Whether you love buying shoes or wish to wear the same old pair, you may have some shoes in your closet looking at which you would wonder,” what was I thinking of when I bought them?” And of course there would be some which when gets worn-out, you would think, “how much I miss my those special pair!” So? Which category of footwear you want in your closet? Exactly the second one. The women with less height should avoid T-straps and ankle-straps because they can visually cut-off the leg and make them look shorter. Stilettos are flattering and flaunt but if you want a business look please go for heels that are thicker. Hold on!! Short women, do avoid ultra heels because they don’t look tall but shorter as the calf muscles flex too much. Flats are perfect with narrow or cropped pants, short skirts or long skirts. Sneaker boots looks like an athletic shoe but if equipped with heel, makes it a kind of novelty dress shoe.
Shoes play important role in many well-known storybooks like Cinderella, Wizard of Oz and many more. Classic black leather are wardrobe essential but if you want latest and greatest then shop for brand names and designer shoes. And because it is summer now, PLEASE avoid wearing the same shoes two days in a row because the previous days perspiration needs to dry.So every summer pack-up your closet with a number of them.....

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