Monday, September 26, 2011


Gone are the days when girls are only puppets in the strong hands of a man, days when girls sit beside and the man behind the wheels. It’s 21st century and everyone wants to be independent and successful. It’s no more the traditional way where the earner of the family is the male. Not only in earning but everything from your home to car.

Are you thinking that the need for speed is a guy thing?? But no!! Girls are on it too now.. its true that handsome hunks on the racetracks give us a thrill but catching a hot woman give all an adrenaline rush. Some of the winners of the racetracks are Navaz bhathena, Sarika Sehrawat, Renuka Kirplani. And they have really given all a blast!!

It is fact that guys most beloved accessories is his vehicle. He would do everything and anything to make it look marvelous and sexy. But now women are shoulder to shoulder with them and not just on the tracks but even performing stunts. So if you gals are now the proud owner of a brand new set of wheelies, keep them looking as well as feeling good. You should know that maintaining well not only gives it longevity but also lowers your repairing bills.

So all the beautiful ladies on wheels, the best thing to protect the painted exterior of your car is to wash it daily. Don’t forget to wax your car too!! You should vacuum its interior and scrub its carpet with shampoo. Always have all your repairs done by a professional. Women see their car the same way they see their homes. So it is necessary to add a feminine touch, like a padded sterling wheel to protect manicured nails.

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