Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Are you planning to be the next Kareena Kapoor with zero size figure??
Then its time to visit the Gym than wobble around making excuses and
cursing God for not giving you a wonderful figure. It mostly happens
that people always have negative attitude and this attitude stands in
the way of getting to the body you want. But we only think mentally,
stretching our patience to the limit but, we tend to find excuses to
avoid exercise then to simply do that. We know that we need
desperately to loose weight but when it comes to exercise we do not
have enough time. Where we can spend enormous time in eating and
gossiping,we can't even spend 50 Min's for a good work-out.
Most interestingly people who visit gym waste time between exercise by
talking on the phone or chatting with fellow gymmers. Another most
happening excuse is that they cannot wake-up early. But its only a
myth that only exercise done in the morning is effective. You burn -up
as much calories and its better schedule it when you are physically
and mentally into your workout. There are some who doesn't love
exercise but its only because they have not found a way to love it.
Its not compulsory to visit the gym, while you can join a dance class
which is another energetic method of loosing your calories.
Some girls in desperate attempt to loose weight skip most of their
breakfast, lunch and dinner all-together and end up only with an apple
or a snack. But starving yourself to death is not a healthy sign.
Better go for an exercise and tune up your body. Hating your body
won't motivate you to have a beautiful and luscious body you need
nutritious food, fresh air and lots of energetic activity.
When you appreciate your body you treat it well, which leads to a
better shape and better health. So, stop making weight loss your only
goal and look at a bigger picture, slowly you would love your body as
much as i do.

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