Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Ever had moments when you know exactly what and how to explain the matter but your mouth is jammed?? Or were there moments when the super stud you had a crush on is standing next to you but you couldn’t even speak the simple ‘HEY’?? Oh!! Those moments of stumped silence. How you wish that you were less gawky, sparkier, confident, wits-in-place at that time and all other time.
This at of being tactful can save a potentially volatile situation. The art of skillfully dealing with any situation handy is a quality tremendously underrated in today’s world. Talking your way out can save you from very dangerous circumstances. Having your mind packed-up with my-thoughts-have-come-to-a-halt moments can seriously leaf you to a lousy listener.
 How to deal with such situation? It’s as easy as breaking a silence. Wondering how easy?? Yup!! Just blurt out what comes to your mind but before that please take a few seconds to choose the right thoughts during your daily encounter. Okay now take it for a chance, you are in a pub with a boy and after one you think that he is boring, what actually would you do? Fake a headache? No!! Just try to speak to him.
You spot celebrities at your near-by table don’t rush over for an autograph because though famous people do thrive for a adulation but go OTT and they’ll surely shrink away. There often comes a situation when you need to deliver your sincere condolence but couldn't master up the courage to visit the place and say the proper words. In such case it’s enough if you recall a happy memory of the person they have lost.And the most common situation is when you meet your ex with his current. It’s natural to feel thrown off-balance and in that you will regain your self-assurance by showing them that you are totally over him.
Practice the art of skillfully speaking at any opportunity. Ask open-minded questions that invite conversation and use the echo technique is; pick up on the last thing a person says. Soon you would find you smooth tongue twisting-up in any situation and make you the conversation princess.

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