Thursday, May 29, 2014


I want you and desire for you
With you I dream of a wonderland
I know not though
How long till the pain gonna ends
I know not though
How long till the distance gonna fade
But it’s a promise to you I make
That my love for you will never end
Not today not tomorrow
Not till the world comes to an end.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What England hold for you!

The British Museum was established in 1753 and is largely dedicated to human history and the culture of the various nations that British ruled. It has a collection of 8 million works which are kept permanently is display. It is the largest museum which has in details the history of human kind from its beginning to the present and not just of those of England but from every continent. They are collection of the physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. It was 1stopened for the public in 1759 and has been extended and enlarged since then to the present building. It is a non departmental public body which is being sponsored by Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
Why visit
It is the largest museum and if you want to visit one visit while being in Londonthis must be the one. It has a comprehensive existence that illustrates and documents the culture of various people all round the world. There are also few objects which have grabbed much intense controversy as the rightful owner or the rightful country wants it to be where it originally belongs; notably the Elgin Marbles from Parthenon. It is a fantastic opportunity of the visitor to view some very distinct and unique archaeological relics and is an offer to explore the ancient world within the building.
What to see
You can explore wonders from lands of India, Greece, Aztecs, China, Egyptand every country that comes into your mind; the list just goes on and each object is a sight to see. Few of the mythological figures of Romans like the statue of Apollo; Artemis such other Gods and Goddess belongs to the early 1stcentury and are very unique. Some of the important artifacts like the Rosetta stone, the Sutton Hoo treasure and friezes of Parthenon are worth mentioning. The history behind the presence of these great unique objects of all round the world may not be something that makes British proud but the preservation and the care by which these items are kept is the best. There is also a gallery of Egypt that has mummies and other such famous things which attracts near about 6 million people every year.
Opening hours
The museum remains open from 10am to 4.30pm and during Friday opens closes at 8.30 pm. The entry to this wonderfully huge museum is free of cost.
The museum is wheelchair accessed and is no problem for anyone to visit. Together with that they also provide audio tours and study tours for groups and there is also an online database within the museum which has 2,000,000 individual object entries of which 650,000 are illustrated in brief. There are also precious books and manuscripts which are now kept in the British Library.
It is situated in Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3DG.

Nearest tube stations are Tottenham Court Road and Holborn. The bus routes are 1, 7, 8, 10, 14, 29, 38, 55, 98, 134, 59, 68, 168 and 188.


Its new tear time and everything is at a BANG. new resolution, new admiration, new inspiration new new new!! so, what are you up to these year?? parties, picnics, discotheque and so and so and so.... But is it gonna last forever?? a few days fun and the charm is gone!!
Let's make these new year great by doing something memorable and exciting. In the first option wont it be great to visit a far away land and learn the secrets of it. Just fly off to somewhere like Macao or Switzerland and live life princess style. Whether you are with your spouse or single or just want to soak in the season with your family or friends, they have got all sorted-out for you to make your stay interesting and happening. If your budget is a bit off-balance then Goa or Kerela would also do the work.
Or why don”t you join a fun club and become an active member of it. It would really engross up your time and not only that but you would have the opportunity to meet new people and learn new things. Some of us may think weird but even joining a religious centre or a knowledge centre may also ease our pain and make our life exciting.
If you got your technologies digi-cam turn your love for photography into a profit making one. Take pictures with your digi-cam of homes and then sell them off to Realtors. Put up high resolution pictures on a website creating a cyber gallery from which people can buy prints. These would surly spice-up your pocket with some extra money.
And last but not the least bçoz you too can think of something new and innovative, you can also join the various workshops teaching salsa or any dance form that visit your city once in a while with your partner. these would not only bring you closer but also give you some beautiful moments together..
so these new year think something new something hatke and take your life to a new edge!!!


Ever had moments when you know exactly what and how to explain the matter but your mouth is jammed?? Or were there moments when the super stud you had a crush on is standing next to you but you couldn’t even speak the simple ‘HEY’?? Oh!! Those moments of stumped silence. How you wish that you were less gawky, sparkier, confident, wits-in-place at that time and all other time.
This at of being tactful can save a potentially volatile situation. The art of skillfully dealing with any situation handy is a quality tremendously underrated in today’s world. Talking your way out can save you from very dangerous circumstances. Having your mind packed-up with my-thoughts-have-come-to-a-halt moments can seriously leaf you to a lousy listener.
 How to deal with such situation? It’s as easy as breaking a silence. Wondering how easy?? Yup!! Just blurt out what comes to your mind but before that please take a few seconds to choose the right thoughts during your daily encounter. Okay now take it for a chance, you are in a pub with a boy and after one you think that he is boring, what actually would you do? Fake a headache? No!! Just try to speak to him.
You spot celebrities at your near-by table don’t rush over for an autograph because though famous people do thrive for a adulation but go OTT and they’ll surely shrink away. There often comes a situation when you need to deliver your sincere condolence but couldn't master up the courage to visit the place and say the proper words. In such case it’s enough if you recall a happy memory of the person they have lost.And the most common situation is when you meet your ex with his current. It’s natural to feel thrown off-balance and in that you will regain your self-assurance by showing them that you are totally over him.
Practice the art of skillfully speaking at any opportunity. Ask open-minded questions that invite conversation and use the echo technique is; pick up on the last thing a person says. Soon you would find you smooth tongue twisting-up in any situation and make you the conversation princess.


Girls are very particular about their look. They want themselves to look the best and very different from others. Just become one among thousands. One broken nail and they would make a hell of everything. Just imagine what they would bring everyone to if they had a bad hair day. With all set from neck to toe and if they couldn't’t put on a proper hair style, they would howl in dismay. So it’s a suggestion to pamper you with lots of care and nourishment.

When you notice those adverts on TV where women strut around with their silky, sensational and sexy hair, you obviously feel your mane to be made of straw. Isn’t it?? Whether it is a 50 year old adult or 15 years teen but when it comes to hair, the desire for the same thick, shiny, healthy hair is universal among all. Managing your mane is quite an ordeal, sometimes it gets so frustrating that you even can’t go with the choice between maintaining the age old remedies or the booming hair products of the market. There are lots of hair-myths that circle around the globe like legends.

There is a big fat myth that hair shouldn't’t be washed regularly. Come on!! With all those pollution how could you dream that you would have healthy silky hair without regular washing? Girls!! Do not oil your hair regularly for a healthy mane. It tends to attract dust and dirt and becomes a breading ground for infections. It is also not necessary to oil your hair the night before washing because it performs its work in a 40 minutes time. There is another myth surrounding us and it’s that cutting your hair makes it grow faster. But it’s not true, it’s your hair not a lawn, it would only make it shorter.

Hair shouldn't’t be combed while wet. Right girls? But my dear pretty ones it is not true. If you do not comb it while wet it would tangle into locks and make it unmanageable to style later. It is advisable to comb your hair with a wide toothed comb while conditioning to ensure equal distribution. Combs come in various materials like plastic, metal, wood and bone. Plastic and metal combs are advised not to use as they damage the hair by ripping and tearing the shaft. Wood and bone combs are gentler on hair and don’t cause damage. The Paddle Brush is best for long hair and Cushion Style brush is best for medium length hair.

Along with the entry of the Bold Bob cut in trend, long curls are also all the rage now. So the Indian ladies, who are blessed with long dark natural curls, wear it long and in one-length. Coloring your hair is also in trend but to pick the right hue for your hair makes the difference. Coloring during pregnancy is not harmful as most think so.

You typically think that summer is the time when hair gets more damaged but you can actually use the sun’s rays to get softer tresses. So, as the days are getting shorter and colder try avoiding being a hot-mess. Put on a new hair-style, stop going along with the myths and nourish your hair to have those silky-sexy mane like those in the adverts. At last but not the least wash of only 90 % of your conditioner to maintain that curly mane.

When you got it.. Flaunt It


Do you still get teary eyas when you think of your ex?? Land up going into a day dream that last for minutes and constantly find yourself comparing every guy you meet with your ex?? Can’t help but go through all the letters and cards that your ex gave you??
Then the fact is, you are still clinging to your past. You haven’t gotten over the fact that your ex is no longer in your life. You are still head-over-heels at him and couldn’t except the fact that you have been ditched. Still waiting in hope that everything would be fine between you. But its time to get over your past. Till when would you get wetly eyes? Life goes on and so does our relations. Stop lingering in your past, be open to change and embrace the things that make you happy then dwelling in the past. When a cute guy asks you out, say yes and enjoy his company rather then comparing. If some places or incidents make you remember your past quickly think of reasons why you broke off or moments when you were not happy with him.
Stop chasing after a guy who has no interest in you. Remember that you have more dignity than that. Accept the fact that he was no equal to you and you do not reserve a person like him. Instead of thinking ‘OH!! How romantic and cute he was’ think,’ how embarrassing it was when he shouted at me’. It’s not a matter of overnight but you need patience to get him off your head. Start partying and spending your time with your friends but not those that both of you share but those that are close to you or rather a new bunch. At the very first throw away all the stuff that is related to him, even his number from your speed dial. Thrust yourself and manage to deal with your emotions. It’s better to avoid going to places where you might bump into each other. Stop being devastated and wallow in self pity wondering what went wrong rather talk to your buddies and make plans that would cheer you up.
Although break-ups are difficult, they are inevitable. Sometimes they come unexpectedly and sometimes after dragging it for long you decide to call it off. But whenever it comes prepare for it and avoid all the emotional mess. Be open to new relations and be positive. Don’t get scared that it would end-up in the same manner but these times choose someone who is really worthy for you. There is no definition line from LIKE to LOVE. Don’t mistake your liking for someone as love. Those three words that apparently make your world go round can also make your relation go topsy turvy. It’s real hard to get into another relation after ending up with one. So it’s better if you take your time and wait for the right moment to say ‘I LOVE YOU’. Moving on is difficult but sometimes you have to do it. So young ladies stop getting teary eyes at the drop of his name and be practical….


India sure is incredible with all its flora and fauna. Not just the
beauty but also the culture, the people and the variance of colors
hold a mesmerized point in the view of the people residing in and
outside this precious land. Its beauty is immeasurable, the historical
site transcends us into a wondrous era and its greenery along with the
endangered species is just wonderful.
However, it is the second most populous country in the world but still
it is the biggest democracy on earth. With the onset of globalization,
the growing Indian economy has led to a greater appreciation. Even
during the recent economic crisis, the Indian economy has been sound
and perfect. Every year about 5 million tourist visit this magical
land and these business has provide employment to 42 million people.
Unlike Malaysia and Singapore India also is now allotting a large
amount for innovation of the tourist market and to attract a large
amount of foreign tourist.
Do you love to spend a luminous night with sky filled up with the moon
and uncountable stars or like to walk serene valleys with the
fragrance of varied flowers and watch clouds kissing the hilltops with
its salubrious air and? All these together can b seen and felt in the
suburbs of northern India. People travel miles just to watch the
backwaters of kerela or to feel the warmth of the soft wet sands on
their feet with the sound of the calm waves while they walk in the
seashore. India is also famous for its art and sculptures and the
well-known yogh sadhanas. Foreigners from all over the world visit
India just to have a duke in the holy water of Ganga.
The Indian film industry has also goon global with various foreign
stars appearing in Indian cinemas and the Indian stars appearing in
there movies. Every year about a 1000, films get released, a number
that is overwhelming. Today with the emerging changes, people in and
outside India are standing up for their heritage and identity. India
is now going global with the most exciting market in the world with a
distinct cutting edge in global competition and with the pace it is
growing, it sure would soon be a most successful of all.


The world may seem enormous but once we are sited in-front of the 21”
flat screen ,everything is at a grip. You want to get connected to the
whole surrounding around you and you could at a click in your
keyboard. We are glued to the virtual world around us. Not just
keeping connected to our friends but from surfing for entertainment or
news to scavenging for information-we just can’t do without the
internet. It is a media trough which each and everyone stays connected
from the world around them.
But on the flip side-they have also lead to trans-national crimes
called Cyb er-crimes. Many people have become a verdict of these crime
and most among them are young teenagers. A good part of web service is
that we can access it from any part of the globe but the sad part is
that the culprit of the Cyb er crimes could not be identified and
One of the most common Cyb er crimes is ‘hacking’. A person can
trespass a computer system which is called an illegal intrusion. They
can crack confidential information, crack company codes and even
someone’s personnel email account. They could monitor everything the
owner is performing from the machine. Its like they could keep an eye
on all activities of the user.
Different blogs containing information and opinions could be
misleading and dangerous, they might actually encourage you to do
something that proves to be harmful. Never trust someone you met
online. There are hoards of sexual perverts and after some sweet talk
they sexually molest you. There are many real-life cases where young
girls become a prey of these perverts.

Cyb er stalkers are people who follow a person’s movement across the
internet by posting messages on bulletin board frequented by the
victim, entering the chat rooms, posting ugly comments and bombarding
with e-mails. E-mail scoffing is one that appears to originate from
one source but actually has been sent from another one. It could cause
serious damage like defaming someone, obtaining someone’s personal
information or even causing monetary damage.
Uploading your pictures  on various website could have dire
consequences. Doctoring someone’s photos put up on networking
defamatory matter about someone on a website are examples of Cyb er
It is not mandatory that everyone you come across on internet would be
a pervert but its better to be alert and take necessary steps like
reporting it to the police. Like everything else, Cyb er space do also
have its evil side and awareness is our only shelter.


Are you planning to be the next Kareena Kapoor with zero size figure??
Then its time to visit the Gym than wobble around making excuses and
cursing God for not giving you a wonderful figure. It mostly happens
that people always have negative attitude and this attitude stands in
the way of getting to the body you want. But we only think mentally,
stretching our patience to the limit but, we tend to find excuses to
avoid exercise then to simply do that. We know that we need
desperately to loose weight but when it comes to exercise we do not
have enough time. Where we can spend enormous time in eating and
gossiping,we can't even spend 50 Min's for a good work-out.
Most interestingly people who visit gym waste time between exercise by
talking on the phone or chatting with fellow gymmers. Another most
happening excuse is that they cannot wake-up early. But its only a
myth that only exercise done in the morning is effective. You burn -up
as much calories and its better schedule it when you are physically
and mentally into your workout. There are some who doesn't love
exercise but its only because they have not found a way to love it.
Its not compulsory to visit the gym, while you can join a dance class
which is another energetic method of loosing your calories.
Some girls in desperate attempt to loose weight skip most of their
breakfast, lunch and dinner all-together and end up only with an apple
or a snack. But starving yourself to death is not a healthy sign.
Better go for an exercise and tune up your body. Hating your body
won't motivate you to have a beautiful and luscious body you need
nutritious food, fresh air and lots of energetic activity.
When you appreciate your body you treat it well, which leads to a
better shape and better health. So, stop making weight loss your only
goal and look at a bigger picture, slowly you would love your body as
much as i do.


Marriage is the undisputed queen of man –women relationship. Several couples vow to remain together till death do them part. But with time relations have taken bigger turns. The trends of live in have been famous in western regions but with time India too is walking hand in hand with it.
The people of India are mostly from rural societies and they think that it is vulnerable for the society to involve in such relation. They believe that it is against our religion and culture. Our rituals don’t allow any two unmarried person to involve physically. A child when born of that relation also faces various criticisms. But young couples caught up in romance and excitement often gets unrealistically optimistic forgetting to think of their families and future. Many opt it because they are afraid of commitment or because they have survived from great traumatic family break-downs.
It is also true that negativity leads us to nothing. In today’s era when technologies have sifted to great changes then why should we back-up in terms of relationship? Youngsters agree that live –in allows a person the other-half in a better way before marriage. Though it’s not a fact but it’s true that many couples opt it for financial terms. Compromises are an important part of relation and good relations are characterized by flexibility.
Some plus points are that when marriages break-off it has to undergo various legal proceedings and family crisis bit you can walk out of a live-in whenever you want to. Every relation has peaks and valleys, one may fall in and out of love but relations are those precious bonding that is cherished for lifetime. Like it or not: marriage means marrying the entire family but live-in doesn’t complicate it such extent.



Gone are the days when girls are only puppets in the strong hands of a man, days when girls sit beside and the man behind the wheels. It’s 21st century and everyone wants to be independent and successful. It’s no more the traditional way where the earner of the family is the male. Not only in earning but everything from your home to car.

Are you thinking that the need for speed is a guy thing?? But no!! Girls are on it too now.. its true that handsome hunks on the racetracks give us a thrill but catching a hot woman give all an adrenaline rush. Some of the winners of the racetracks are Navaz bhathena, Sarika Sehrawat, Renuka Kirplani. And they have really given all a blast!!

It is fact that guys most beloved accessories is his vehicle. He would do everything and anything to make it look marvelous and sexy. But now women are shoulder to shoulder with them and not just on the tracks but even performing stunts. So if you gals are now the proud owner of a brand new set of wheelies, keep them looking as well as feeling good. You should know that maintaining well not only gives it longevity but also lowers your repairing bills.

So all the beautiful ladies on wheels, the best thing to protect the painted exterior of your car is to wash it daily. Don’t forget to wax your car too!! You should vacuum its interior and scrub its carpet with shampoo. Always have all your repairs done by a professional. Women see their car the same way they see their homes. So it is necessary to add a feminine touch, like a padded sterling wheel to protect manicured nails.
Byzantine and Christian Museum at Thessaloniki of Greece has the finest collection of Byzantine art. The museum was open for the public in 1994 and is housed at a modern building and the construction work started in 1989 and completed in 1993. The museum is spread out in an area of 11500 m2 and has 11 rooms of its permanent exhibition galleries. The museum was awarded the Council of Europe Museum Prize in the year 2005 and presents various aspects of Byzantine as well as post Byzantine period art, culture and religion.
Why visit
The museum is very impressive exhibiting important icons belonging from the 4th century till the recent times. It also tells the story of Thessalonikiand the social history of the place through art and artifacts. Each piece of art displayed is unique and has a price of its own and you will be quite amazed to see some of the masterpieces that belong thousands of years back yet so spectacular. There are colorful frescos which show scenes from the Old and New Testament and also scenes of Paradise which is very blissful. There are also terrific icons like the 12th century icon of Virgin Mary and Christ as infant. The place is a bundle of knowledge for the history and art lovers and it is a must visit place to know the Byzantine stories in details.
What to see
The museum has 11 rooms of permanent displays with its certain names and specialties. The Early Christian Church room has exhibits that show the visitor how the early Christian church was in the 4th and 5th century AD. The Early Christian city and house room shows the insight of the public as well as private houses of the early Christian period. The From the Elysian Fields to Christian Paradise room shows funerary customs and the ancient cemeteries of 4th to the 7thcentury. The next room is the Dynasties of Byzantine emperors which show the Byzantine dynasties from 5th century till 15th century.
The Byzantine fortress room exhibits emergence and organization of Middle Byzantine fortress. There is a display of mosaics and carved marble panels from the Ayios Dimitrios after the great fire of 1917 and you can see how splendid someone could build a church once. The museum also has drain pipes and cooking pots of the ancient times. There is a shop that sells a wide range of books upon Byzantine culture and postcards that you can buy as gifts or memoirs.
Opening time
The museum is open from Monday to Sunday from 8am till 3pm.
The entry fee of the church is 4 euros and you can have a special ticket of 6 euros for the archaeological museum and the Byzantine culture museum together. There is also a reduced price of 2 euros for students and seniors.

The museum can be reached by public transport. There is bus 58 from Dikasterion square to the museum or you can take any bus that heads east from anywhere of the city.