Sunday, August 3, 2014

Stories of a Mingled Life!

Roshni- She kept staring at the computer for hours but her thoughts were elsewhere. Life isn’t fair every time and she was the victim of time, she picked up her bag and left. It’s time to act and take a stand before they crush her beyond her strength. Time to make a change and fight back
Pooja- She never realized what it would feel to be crowned the princess of beauty but now when she is standing at the podium with the admirers all around, she doubted if it at all is her biggest achievement. She smiled along but inside she was void, because she lost all in getting to this point.
Rohan- Helpless is the only word that could describe his situation. He knew he have to do this else there is no future. He took the last drag like it was his last breath. His dad was waiting anxiously at the footstep wondering if he would come. He said, “Let’s go and clean my system Dad”.
Varsha- She sat by the window wondering what made her to become a person like this. She crossed beyond the limit only because she loved him. The blood in her hands cannot be washed off no matter what. She cannot make him love her now; no matter what she does, but she realized it too late.
Asha- When she stepped into his home she knew this is a world she must live like she was born here. She didn’t know then whether she should be happy or sad, it was just the 1stday. 30 years since then she looked around her small but happy family and tears came to her eyes.

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